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Hello Everyone,

We wanted to give you an update on a couple upcoming events around the island. First, if you haven’t been to the Marco Island Farmer’s Market, there are only a couple remaining so make sure you head out there on a Wednesday morning this month. 

Looking for something unique to do on Easter Sunday this year? Try out the Marco Island Easter Sunrise Service on the Beach. It starts at 7am on April 16th. You will be amazed by how many attendees there are each and every year! This year there are four different featured speakers. Don’t forget to bring your chair or blanket! The beach can be accessed through the JW Marriott Resort. 

Lastly, do you like ribs? On Saturday, April 22nd, the Marco Island Police Foundation will be hosting their annual Rib cook-off at the Marco Island Brewery. This is a great event that starts at noon! We hope to see you at one of these city events this month!