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Are you thinking about listing your condo, home or lot here in the Marco Island/Naples area but are trying to decide if this is a good time of year? Well, let me put your mind at ease because this is a great time of year to list your property and is also a very popular time. Why? Well, as many of you know the peak of our season is February and March. With that being said, there are also many people here that are paying a lot of money to enjoy their time in Florida and don’t want to spend the entire trip looking at real estate. They may prefer to come back in April, May or June instead when the price of their rental is about half of what they are paying now. In addition, it is an excuse for many to make a return trip back to our area. The next couple of months are large months for closings so if you are debating whether now is a good time to list your property, we would encourage you to do so!

Want more information about the market in our area? Contact us today!